Record #: 1544
Date Entered: 2021-09-07
Speciality: remodeling
Location: NEW ALBANY, OH, 43054
Telephone: 614-356-0629
Customer Review #1:
Date Entered: 2021-09-07
Job description: Basement Remodel
Overall experience: bad
How much were you charged? $15,000
Was the charge fair? unfair
Comment: Buyer beware! DaShawn Hawes is a fraud and lacks integrity. A 6-week project slated to finish on 5/15/2021 is still not done. On many occasions he was a no-call/no show. He refuses to honor his contract and to date, the work remains incomplete. My complaint now joins the many others (check the Ohio Attorney General site, BBB, Franklin County Courts).
*** Personally identifiable information removed (JTP))
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